Monday, April 16, 2012

Because I'm Skinny

Can i just say that i can relate to all women that want to lose weight. Can i say that i can also relate to any woman who has lost weight then been criticized for the amount of weight they've lost. Here's my story: I'm 26 years old and I'm 5'6'' and 114 lbs. I come from a small to mid-frame weight class. I started out at 145 pounds and started to realize that i wanted something better for myself. I started on the Slimfast plan just as i did before i got married almost three years ago. I started my weight loss journey in mid January 2012 and to this very day i lost thirty one pounds. I feel great, i love how i look and i couldn't be happier. I must say to be honest, i lost weight the unhealthy way.  At first i would have 3 slimfasts ( all at once) in the morning then have 2 small snacks throughout the day. Gradually, i weened myself down to just three Slimfasts a day period. Granted, i know this is unhealthy but it has worked amazingly well for me. This past weekend i was down to 112 pounds but me and my husband went and saw a movie and he begged me to have some popcorn. And to his reluctance, i did. I woke up this morning, weighed myself, and to my dismay i weighed 114. I had gained two whole pounds over the course of one day. My heart sank and i got angry and even disappointed in myself. Why is this you ask? When you work so hard at losing weight and you have a routine that you stay on every day, when that get's thrown out of balance, it's just like starting all over again. People may say "Oh that's only two pounds, you'll work that off in no time" but what they don't understand is when you work at this every day and you hit a "bump in the road" it throws you for a major curve ball. You set yourself up for this great big achievement and when you fail, you feel like its all for not. 

Can i also say how tiresome and annoying it is when you lose weight and all you hear people saying is "your too skinny" or "you need to eat more" or "oh you had a cracker that must be all for today then huh" or you constantly get picked on for how "little" you do or do not eat eat. Is it their body? No. Is it their choice? No. So why do they get to have an opinion? Heck if i know. Here is an interesting side note: When overweight people go on a diet, they are hailed to be all Holy and deservant of praise for making a life style choice, but when some one with a small frame goes on a diet to lose a few pounds, people ask us if we have an eating disorder. Interesting opposition there.

 So, i would just like to say for every skinny girl, proana or not, i know how you feel. I know how hard it is for you. I am right there beside you in your quest for perfection.

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